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Financial advice is not essential only for very rich people. In fact, everyone can benefit from it. It can help you protect and build your financial assets, help you get the most out of your investments and secure the financial future of you and your family.

Why do you also need personal financial advice? There are 10 excellent reasons for this:

1. To protect your family
There are a huge number of savings, investment and insurance products on the market; A professional financial advisor can tell you which ones you should really purchase. He will assess your position and guide you through the best options to protect yourself and your family – whether you are single or married, have a young family or are about to retire.

2. To help plan your expenses and savings
To secure your long-term future, you need to build some assets – first to get you through “rainy days” easily and then to pay for vacations, luxuries and indulgences. The first step is to make a financial plan of your expenses so that you start saving, and the second step is to plan the savings so that you can build your wealth as efficiently as possible. Regardless of the amount, a personal financial advisor can examine your situation and find the best starting point for you.

3. To help you plan your retirement
Once your short term savings needs are covered, you can start thinking about the long term. Most people these days realize that they cannot rely on the National Old Age Pension for retirement age. Retirement planning is a complex business and there are many different options, which of course include pension insurance, but not only. A financial advisor will not only help sift through the many options, but will also help build a solid financial portfolio to maximize your long-term savings and investments.

4. Take care of your home
The mortgage market has always been complicated, but today, in an environment of high interest rates and changes in the housing and mortgage market, there is a greater need for a guiding hand and security when it comes to your home.

Buying a home is one of the most expensive decisions we make and the vast majority of us need a mortgage to do so. A financial advisor can save you money and headache especially in times like this. He can guide you financially on the way to buying the apartment, taking the financing and creating the necessary insurances for you. Not every financial advisor is also a licensed insurance agent, but comprehensive financial support gives you the confidence to carry out all the necessary actions in the purchase and maintenance of an apartment in an optimal way.

5. To help you meet your investment goals
As you progress through life and your assets and income begin to grow, you can begin to consider how to improve your position instead of standing still. This can be anything from planning for early retirement, through purchasing an investment property, to planning to finance your children’s academic studies. Whatever your goal, personal financial counseling can help assess what is possible and make careful planning to help you achieve your goals.

6. Find the right combination of assets
Investing is as much about protecting against potential downside as it is about generating maximum growth. High returns are often associated with high risk and not everyone likes the idea that their investment could drop significantly in a short time or be exposed to a lot of volatility. A financial advisor will perform a detailed assessment of your attitude to risk before making recommendations.

It will also ensure that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket by helping you diversify not only between asset classes but also between accounts, investment and savings channels and providers of these products.

7. To receive an objective assessment
Every investment opportunity or new product is expected to be accompanied by a certain amount of enthusiasm from various parties, but this does not necessarily mean that every product that has a buzz behind it is right for you. Many investors tend to get caught up in market bubbles and expensive investment products because they rush to follow the herd. A financial advisor knows how products work in different markets and will identify the possible disadvantages for you, as well as the potential advantages, so that you can make an informed decision on where to invest.

8. To save money
After completing your risk and investment assessments, the next step is to look at tax; Even the most basic review of your financial situation can help. Most savings and investment products involve paying tax, but there are many tax benefits that you should be aware of, for example, pension insurance, education funds and provident funds. This can help you benefit from government incentives or choose growth-oriented assets over income to maximize capital gains allowances versus paying income tax. A professional and quality financial advisor will always take into account taxation considerations when giving recommendations and will point you in the right direction even in complex situations.

9. To keep you on track
Even when your investments have been made and are working according to plan, they must be monitored in case market developments or unusual events divert you from the course. A financial advisor keeps an eye on your investments and savings and can evaluate their performance against other alternatives, ensure that your asset allocation is not distorted as markets change and help you consolidate profits as the deadlines for your final goals approach.

10. For peace of mind
Money is a complicated subject and there is a lot to consider in order to protect it and get the most out of it. Markets are volatile and the media tends to exaggerate risks and rewards. Hiring a good financial advisor can point you in the right direction. Whether you need general, practical advice or an expert with a dedicated expertise, you will find that in the long run the money you invest in expert advice will return the investment.

The wise company provides personal financial advice to families, individuals, business owners and people preparing for retirement. Our company employs highly experienced and expert pension consultants who will be happy to assist you in creating the financial future that you want for yourself.

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